Not just a handbag with claws, Leatherhead is the only other creature known to share the same origin as the TMNT, for he too was
mutated by the same ooze that transformed the Turtles. Once an unwanted pet crocodile that was flushed down the toilet and into
the city's sewer, Leatherhead gained size, strength, intelligence and a more humanoid shape after coming into contact with the strange
mutagen, and then spent most of his life living in the TCRI building with the Utroms who had discovered and befriended him. Having
become separated from them when their building was destroyed, Leatherhead has been desperately trying to build a Transmat device so
that he can be reunited with his alien friends.
Original Card
With Darkness on the Edge of Town DVD
Skyline Card with DVD #1
with "Secrets Behind the Shells" Bonus DVD